Restaurant Tissens
Plats d'anguilles restent legendaires. Bonne ambiance. Service efficac...
Plats d'anguilles restent legendaires. Bonne ambiance. Service efficace. Reviendrai.
Plats d'anguilles restent legendaires. Bonne ambiance. Service efficac...
Plats d'anguilles restent legendaires. Bonne ambiance. Service efficace. Reviendrai.
Restaurant Green Mango Parvis
My second visit. In my personal opinion this is one of the best, if no...
My second visit. In my personal opinion this is one of the best, if not THE best, burger establishment in Brussels - certainly an excellent price/quality ratio. The Parvis de St. Gilles area is a bit seedy and "exotic" (some insist that this is "conviviality") but Mango has other addresses in better Brussels areas that offer the same quality. Try them !
My second visit. In my personal opinion this is one of the best, if no...
My second visit. In my personal opinion this is one of the best, if not THE best, burger establishment in Brussels - certainly an excellent price/quality ratio. The Parvis de St. Gilles area is a bit seedy and "exotic" (some insist that this is "conviviality") but Mango has other addresses in better Brussels areas that offer the same quality. Try them !