
Restaurant Bistro Het Zwart Huis

Kuipersstraat 23 8000 BRUGES CENTRE
Ela Kavlak
Avis du  26/05/2024 23:47
Ela recommande ce restaurant pour:

The ambiance was great, food was delicious, and the staff ( esp. Yakup...

The ambiance was great, food was delicious, and the staff ( esp. Yakup) was very polite, friendly and helpful. Thank you all

Ela Kavlak
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  26/05/2024 23:47
Ela recommande ce restaurant pour:

The ambiance was great, food was delicious, and the staff ( esp. Yakup...

The ambiance was great, food was delicious, and the staff ( esp. Yakup) was very polite, friendly and helpful. Thank you all