Avis pour Roest

342 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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342 avis
date score
Avis du: 18/09/2023
Mireille recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

We booked a brunch for 2 on a Sunday and choose...

We booked a brunch for 2 on a Sunday and choose for the formula un poco mas incl fresh orange juice, coffee, bread & cheese, mini pastries ... I found it a bit expensive. Only 2 slices of bread, no eggs incl, and mini pastries were not fresh but frozen, latte coffee was not hot ... 19.5€ pp too expensive ... the personell however were very, very friendly ....

Avis du: 17/09/2023
sigrid recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Cadre trendy

Very nice atmosphere, nice personal, healthy...

Very nice atmosphere, nice personal, healthy and good food, we will go back for sure

date score