
Restaurant The Dominican

Leopoldstraat 9 1000 BRUXELLES CENTRE
Dirk Vande Putte
DirkVande Putte
Avis du  02/11/2023 10:13
Dirk recommande ce restaurant pour:

The place is very quiet and sophisticated, but without excess. We had ...

The place is very quiet and sophisticated, but without excess. We had a marvelous meal and could also discuss with the sous chef to congratulate him. The Service is very good. We had a marvelous moment

Dirk Vande Putte
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  02/11/2023 10:13
Dirk recommande ce restaurant pour:

The place is very quiet and sophisticated, but without excess. We had ...

The place is very quiet and sophisticated, but without excess. We had a marvelous meal and could also discuss with the sous chef to congratulate him. The Service is very good. We had a marvelous moment