Avis pour Nirvana Kitchen

1133 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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1133 avis
date score
Avis du: 17/06/2021
Dieter recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Gastronomie, Rapport qualité/prix

zéér goed...

zéér goed

Avis du: 11/06/2021
Nathalie recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Enfants, Gastronomie

The warmth of its hosts and the bursting flavor...

The warmth of its hosts and the bursting flavors of the dishes. Best Indian food in Leuven and far around

Avis du: 10/06/2021
Bart recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Enfants

Very good food!...

Very good food!

date score