Avis pour Nénu

290 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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290 avis
date score
Avis du: 01/03/2025
Catrinel recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Gastronomie

Delicious did shes, exquisite flavours, attenti...

Delicious did shes, exquisite flavours, attentive service!

Avis du: 28/02/2025
Thomas recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

Excellent food and atmosphere...

Excellent food and atmosphere

Avis du: 21/02/2025
Margaux recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

Magnifique ! Quelle belle soirée autour d'une...

Magnifique ! Quelle belle soirée autour d'une table tellement savoureuse :)

Avis du: 20/02/2025
Francoise recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

Toujours délicieux et très bon service....

Toujours délicieux et très bon service.

Avis du: 20/02/2025
Pablo recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Gastronomie

Lovely stay!...

Lovely stay!

Avis du: 20/02/2025
Christophe recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Cadre trendy, Gastronomie, Rapport qualité/prix

all good!!...

all good!!

Avis du: 19/02/2025
Fabio recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy, Gastronomie, Rapport qualité/prix

Quality of food and service...

Quality of food and service

Avis du: 16/02/2025
An recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Cadre trendy



Avis du: 16/02/2025
Pauline recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

The food was great but the service was a little...

The food was great but the service was a little bit inconsistent and slow. We had to wait 25min for our dribks to come, the waiters did not give us the shrimp cracker the other tables were getting. The staff was nice but their English was not very confident to explain the dishes. Overall we had a good time

Avis du: 16/02/2025
David recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Cadre trendy

the food was amazing also the wine and the...

the food was amazing also the wine and the service

date score