Avis pour Chandigarh

210 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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210 avis
date score
Avis du: 10/04/2024
Anuradha recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Enfants

The food was really good. The ambience was...

The food was really good. The ambience was nice as well. They are very friendly with the customers (I liked one waitress in particular, I think she's either from Vietnam or Phillipines, she was very kind and helpful). The quantity of food was good too, we had ordered the thalis, and it was more than enough for me. I will definitely recommend this place to my friends.

Avis du: 08/04/2024
Eric recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Rapport qualité/prix

the dishes were delicious and the service was...

the dishes were delicious and the service was impeccable.

Amanjit Kaur
Avis du: 04/04/2024
Amanjit Kaur recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Cadre trendy, Gastronomie

Great restaurant, food and service. The environ...

Great restaurant, food and service. The environment will remind you of Le Corbusier !

Avis du: 01/04/2024
KATRIEN recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Gastronomie

High quality veggie food and nice peoplle....

High quality veggie food and nice peoplle.

Avis du: 31/03/2024
Carine recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes

C'est un restaurant très agréable. Les plats...

C'est un restaurant très agréable. Les plats servis sont très bon et très bien présentés. Le service est prévenant et à l'écoute.

Avis du: 27/03/2024
recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Gastronomie

It’s always great to be here, delicious food...

It’s always great to be here, delicious food and a great experience.

Avis du: 25/03/2024
Martine recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Enfants, Rapport qualité/prix

We had a lovely time with our family at your...

We had a lovely time with our family at your restaurant. The staf was really friendly and attentive. The food was nice. But we like it a bit more spicy.

Avis du: 21/03/2024
Goedele recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy

Super restaurant! Amazing flavors, lovely servi...

Super restaurant! Amazing flavors, lovely service!

Avis du: 20/03/2024
Mathilde recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Cadre trendy, Rapport qualité/prix

Juste parfait !...

Juste parfait !

Avis du: 18/03/2024
valerie recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Business lunch/dîner

Ambiance froide. Plats chers. Dommage....

Ambiance froide. Plats chers. Dommage.

date score